The School of Business studies consist of three departments namely Department of Commerce, Department of
Entrepreneurship Studies and Department of Management Studies.
    The Department of Management Studies was started in the academic year 1980-81 as residential programme
with a view to spread management education, training and consultancy in the southern part of Tamil Nadu. It was the 4th
Institution in Tamil Nadu to start full time MBA Programme. During 1987, the UGC has sanctioned around Rs. 1 crore towards
meeting Non-recurring expenses.(Department Building, Hostel exclusively for MBA and Mini Bus) and recurring expenses towards
staff (Professor-3, Readers-5,Placement officer-1 and Lecturer-5) besides library and computer. Currently, the Department is
offering M.B.A.(Full-time and Part-time) specializing in Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management and Systems besides
M.Phil. and Ph.D Programmes ..Read More